Friday 11 January 2013

The Nightmare Before Christmas

Since our final piece has to incorporate art, design and film all together, and I already had design and art down I was looking for a film to inspire me to actually do something based on one of the characters etc. I was stuck until my sister came into the room and started singing (ironically) ‘This is Halloween’ from The Nightmare Before Christmas.  I had finally found my movie and then I started looking up images from the movie (Thanks to my good friend, Google). Obviously the first image to come up was this:

And immediately I thought of ‘The Great Wave’ which is what made me think – this little fact might just make my merging the three together slightly more simple (I still have no idea what I’m gonna do but, this should only help me more). I might just have another Eureka moment at 4 a.m. – hopefully not but the greatest ideas do start off at the worst times.


Burton, T. (1993) The Nightmare Before Christmas. [image online] Available at: [Accessed 10th December 2012]

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