Friday 11 January 2013

The Horses of Neptune

The Horses of Neptune

I found this painting which reminded me of the one I wrote about in my last blog. However in this painting the froth of the sea has been transformed into horses – The Horses of Neptune actually. I guess you could call this an adaptation of ‘The Great Wave’ except that the colour scheme is based more on neutral tones such as yellows and browns rather than shades of blue. I think the most appealing aspect of this painting is the horses. I do love a good painting of a horse – perhaps because they’re such beautiful creatures, even when they are stationary. Maybe I’ll replace the first painting with this one and use this in my concept rather than the first because I feel it has been used too much before.


Crane, W. (1892) The Horses of Neptune. [image online] Available at:  [Accessed: 6th December 2012].

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