Friday 11 January 2013

The Monument to the Third International

Last week I was going through my design notes to see if I had written down anything on De Stijl and I came across a note for 'The Monument to the Third International' and since I had no picture of it in my notes I went and looked it up.

The Monument to the Third International
Also called Tatlin's Tower (after Vladimir Tatlin who designed it), it was designed as a monumental building, planned to be buil in St.Petersburg as the headquarters and monument of the Comintern which is also known as the Third International. It was designed in 1919 after the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 and it was to stand higher than the Eiffel Tower, however it was never built and the only memory of it is a model.

Personally it reminds me  a bit of a pen coil, and it has also given me a new idea for my final concept.


Tatlin, V. (1919) The Monument to the Third International. [image online] Available at: [Accessed: 11th January 2013].
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2013. Tatlin's Tower. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 11 January 2013].

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