Monday 23 December 2013

Chart: Arts & Crafts Movement

Part of my second task is to create a visual infographic or 'chart' where I show, with as little text as possible, the links between 5 design movements after the research I have carried out through my blogs.

My five chosen movements are:
- The Arts & Crafts Movement
- Art Nouveau
- Art Deco
- The Bauhaus
- Pop Design

Obviously, since there will be hardly any text on the chart I have to write down exactly what I intend to link somewhere and that is here. For this and the next four blogs I will be revisiting the above mentioned styles and movements and conducting more research on them than I have already done for my previous blogs. However I will do this more in the form of points which will be allocated to one of the pictures I will later include in my chart.

So let's start with the first one:

Arts & Crafts 1850 - 1914

Gothic Revival


Japanese Wood-Block Prints

- The two main inspirations for the Arts and Crafts movement were the Gothic Revival which came exactly before and the Renaissance who inspired the Pre-Raphaelites who went on to inspire William Morris. Japanese Wood-block prints were also a huge inspiration to William Morris

A.W.N. Pugin
John Ruskin 

- Another two pioneers who inspired William Morris were John Ruskin and A.W.N. Pugin, the latter was the first person to write about the idea of Form follows Function which would later be the defining ideal of the Bauhaus

- The most important defining factor of this movement is Industrialism. Had it not been for the cheap and shoddy products which were being created at the current time. Morris and his friends would have never decided to set up the company known as Morris, Marshall, Faulkner and Co. 

William Morris

Brother Rabbit Wallpaper Design by William Morris
Willow and Tulip Wallpaper Design
by William Morris

- William Morris was the most influential pioneer of this movement. He is most known for his wallpaper patterns

Queen Victoria
- It's important to note that this was a time during Queen Victoria's reign who was one of the most resigned and traditionally virtuous monarchs when it came to her ideals. Her son on the other hand was the complete opposite which in my opinion would be one of the defining factors of the following style. I.e. Art Nouveau.

Arts and Crafts decanter showing the first
signs of Art Nouveau

N/A, (1874), William Morris [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 22 December 13].

Thomas Hauffe, 2001. Design: From the Industrial Revolution to the 21st Century (Flipguides). Edition. Dumont Monte.

Charlotte & Peter Fiell, 2012. Design of the 20th Century (25). Edition. Taschen.

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