Sunday 19 January 2014

Final Chart

So after I had finished all my research all I had left to do was construct the chart.

The first thing I did was to print out all the pictures and headings and cut them out as neatly as I could

The size of the finished chart had to be A2 but this was going to prove hard as it wouldn't  have provided me with enough space for all my pictures. In order to fix this, I bought two marbled corrugated card boards. 

On one cardboard I stuck a row of coloured paper towards the top. This would serve as a background for the historical influences. I took the second cardboard, placed it face down on the first and aligned one of the longer ends along the bottom of the row of coloured papers. I bent the remaining part of the cardboard so that the first board overlapped over the second and this would later help me fold it so that the final closed size would be A2.

I started chronologically from the Arts and Crafts Movement, sticking the pictures. Because it was corrugated card board I had to do something to keep the pictures from falling off. I took a clean paper towel and carefully pressed the pictures so that the corrugated texture could still be felt through the pictures. This helped the glue stick both to the picture and the card board even in the 'valleys' of the board. 

This is my final outcome:

to finish it off I took a scrap piece of paper, wrote my name and course information and stuck it on in the remaining space.

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