Saturday 26 October 2013

The Crystal Palace

The Crystal Palace was a huge building primarily built using a cast iron frame and industrially made large plates of glass. It was erected in Hyde Park, London, England and built to house the Great Exhibition of London which was to take place in 1851. 

It was built 564m long by 39m high and had a total of 92000 meters squared enough space for over 14,000 exhibitors from different countries could show off the latest technologies at the time.

It was dubbed the crystal palace because of its large use of plate-glass which had only been invented a few years before. 

After the exhibition, it was taken down and rebuilt on Sydenham Hill, however this time it was built larger than before. Sydenham Hill was an upper class area of London. It stood there until it was destroyed by fire in 1936. 

The Crystal Palace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2014. The Crystal Palace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 26 October 2013].

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